This business card is my professional business card. There isn't too much on the card. It's neat and nothing on it is disgusting and too much. I flipped both swans and put a linear gradient on them with colors of black and dark red so both swans looked mad and as if they didn't get along. The background is pink because the card is about marriage counseling and in the end you want the marriage to be happy and for them to love each other. The title is has a black font, it is readable and is underlined which all makes the title look neat and clean.
This business card is my mid-level business card. The card doesn't have a lot of work done on it but its not professional. The swan has a picture of waves pasted inside. The surf board was made using the elipse tool. I made the gradient linear with colors or blue and yellow. I changed the font color to dark blue for the information so it would be a little hard to see. The background is a rectangle with a light blue fill so all the colors seem alike.
This business card is my unprofessional business card. The card has too much going on and the colors don't exactly work together. I made the font chiller since it's a butcher shop and it's harder to read. I made the background a gradient of waves with colors black and white. On top of that I made a smaller square with a contour gradient with colors yellow which is really bright and annoying and a red. I made the fonts for the information different fonts and font colors so it looks unprofessional. Using the slice tool I made the swan's head look like it was cut off and changed the head to the color purple. In the top left corner is a smaller swan that looks as if it is running away since the card is for a butcher shop.