Friday, December 14, 2012



     To make my butterfly I first started by making a square over the canvas and making the square brown with a wood texture. The layer above that I made a smaller square with oilslick texture and a green fill. The main background was a smaller square with the fill light blue.
     To make the grass I made small ovals using the Elipse Tool and stretching the ovals using the Sub Select Tool. Instead of using a gradient I made the ovals have a pattern of Grass-Large. I copied one oval and pasted many more then grouped them together.
     For the butterfly I started with a oval then used the Free Form Tool to give the butterfly shape. I made the oval light brown with a grass texture. For the wings using the Elipse Tool I made circles and using the Free Form Tool I gave the circles a wing shape. For the top wings I made the gradient satin and made the colors pink and light blue. Over that using the Line Tool I made lines and made the fill the same light blue as the gradient pattern. For the bottom wings I made the gradient satin and made the colors purple and yellow. Over that using the Line Tool I made lines and made the fill the same yellow as the gradient pattern. All wings had a texture of grass. The butterfly had antennas which were made using the Line Tool then using the Free Form tool to bend the antennas. The eye was made using the Elipse Tool then using the Free Form Tool.
    To make the flower I started by using the Elipse Tool and I made a circle with a solid brown fill and a grain texture. The flower pedals were made using the Elipse Tool and stretching them using the Sub Select Tool. The pedals were purple with a grass texture. The stem was made using the Pen Tool and had a light brown fill. I made the leaves using the Elipse Tool. Then using the Sub Select Tool I stretched the oval out. Then using the Free Form Tool I made the indents in the leaves. Using the Scale Tool I made the leaves small so they were proportional to the rest of the flower.
    For the sun I started by using the Elipse Tool. I made the circle with a linear pattern with the colors orange and yellow. I then gave the circle a zoom blur filter.
   Using the Text Tool I made my name. I made the font color bright blue so it stands out against the dark green. The font for the text was Lucida Handwriting.

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