Monday, March 4, 2013

Company Logo

         The logos on the left are four original logos for John Deere. On the right is the John Deere logo I created. The background was made using three rounded rectangles each a different color. I used a rounded rectangle since the original logos had a similar background. I gave the farthest rectangle a linear gradient with colors green and yellow. The second farthest rectangle is a solid brown color. The main background is dark green and white with a linear gradient. Using the text tool I created the text and then converted the text to paths and ungrouped the text. The John part of the name I gave a linear gradient with colors light green and yellow with a point 1 light brown stroke. The Deere part of the name I gave a linear gradient with colors sunflower yellow and brown with a point 1 light brown stroke. The deer I found online and pasted a tractor picture I found online so the deer had a tractor type look since John Deere sells tractors. I made the letters side ways at an angle since the letters on the original logo are usually horizontal and I didn't want to exactly copy the logo.

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