Tuesday, November 27, 2012


   To create my cornucopia above I used the circle tool to create a small circle. I gradually made the circles bigger until I got to the last one. Inside the last circle I made a smaller circle to make the cornucopia look hollow. Using the oval tool I made oval and rotated them using the scale tool so the outer part looked like it was weaved and I added leaves behind the weaving by copying a picture from the internet and sketching it.
     For the carrots, turnips and strawberries I made circles and using the sub select tool stretched them out, carrots being the longest then turnips and finally the strawberries. The carrots I just made orange and made small rectangles for the stems. For the turnips I made the gradient radial and made them purple, red, white and made the stems with rectangles. The strawberries had small black circles for the seeds and small oval for the stems.
     For the pumpkins and squash I made ovals and made the one at front in the middle. The pumpkins I made orange and the squash I made green and white using the gradient radial. The stems were made with rectangles.
     The tomatoes were circles and stretched in with the sub select tool and had ovals for stems.
     The corn was made of ovals for the corn husks and small circles as were the grapes. The grapes' circles were bigger and different color.
      To make the eggplants I used two ovals, a small one on top and a big one on the bottom. The stems was made of ovals. To look as a complete figure I took off the stroke.
      The sunflowers were made of long ovals and a small circle for the center.
      All objects had a texture of either grain or burlap and the background was made using a square with a gradient of elipse and the colors of orange and gray.

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